

Sep 19, 2019 BLOG

Use of Drones in Power Line Inspection


       The inspection of power lines is mostly conducted manually today. But this is changing at a fast pace, as high quality, robust drones are replacing the need for manual inspection. Conducting an inspection manually costs a lot and is time taking. Often, the results of these inspections are not reliable and cannot be used to make strategic interpretations.

      Most of the Power lines are inspected using helicopters and a ground crew, which involves high costs and low productivity. But today, we have the enterprising alternative of using Drones, machines which are optimally designed to make such industrial processes easier and efficient.

      Drones are fitted with high-quality cameras that not only capture images but capture minute details regarding the geographical factors, construction viability and various other interpretations which serve as key insights and invaluable information to a company. Conducting power line inspections using Drones will bring guaranteed reductions in cost and increase in the reliability and viability of the results provided.

The significant advantages drones will provide are:

  1. Live updates and aerial footage
  2. Thermal inspection
  3. 3-D map of the complete area
  4. Threat warning beforehand

      Not only do drones capture images, but they also collect data that can provide incredible returns and enhance the decision-making capabilities of Power line companies. Drones also provide assistance to the on-site engineers with information regarding distance using remote sensing technology, LIDAR, radio frequency sensors. These capabilities are provided to a drone in India specifically targeted towards industrial uses and this must be leveraged properly.

     We, at Aerizone have executed several projects of power transmission by using our high-quality dependable drones, brilliant Pilots, and a dedicated team of analysts. We believe in the complete integration of the Drone-based technology in such industries as they have, and they will enhance and ease processes such as inspection.

Are you ready for exploring possibilities with our services, feel free to contact us for more information and a personalized experience with our team.